SRPA “Impulse” supplied microprocessor audio frequency track circuits MRC-U within the project “Microprocessor track circuits MRC-U with ALSN functions for Dobele station” of Latvian Railways (VAS "Latvijas dzelzceļš").
MRC-U are designed to:
monitor occupancy of the track sections and integrity of rail lines;
generate ALSN code signals.
Main functions:
Power supply of track circuits (audio frequency signals), measurement of currents and voltages levels.
Generation of ALSN codes.
Diagnostics and transmission of information about the track circuits equipment state to the higher level.
Protection from external electromagnetic impacts (caused by atmospheric phenomena, traction currents of 50 Hz frequency etc.).
Self-diagnostics, change to the protective state if a failure occurs.
Implementation of MRC-U will allow to:
Exclude all relay circuits from coding of track circuits and ALSN equipment or parallel discrete interface.
Reduce to minimum the maintenance due to stable parameters of MRC-U in case climatic conditions change.
Optimise the process of track circuits calculation.
Provide for a simple coupling via digital or parallel interfaces with microprocessor, relay interlocking and automatic block signalling.
Perform continuous monitoring of cable parameters including core-to-core fault and ground fault.
Provide for continuous monitoring of track circuit parameters including insulation failure of an insulated joint, rail integrity, and residual voltage of a receiver.
Reduce to minimum the human factor influence due to monitoring the adjustment processes
MRC-U can be applied on main-line and industrial railways, as well as in subways.