On 10 November 2015, PJSC “SRPA “Impulse”, the leading Ukrainian developer, manufacturer and supplier of highly reliable instrumentation and control systems for NPPs, and SE “NNEGC “Energoatom” completed the tender procedure and concluded the contract for supply of the complex diagnostic system for the reactor facility and the monitoring system over the movement of primary circuit pipelines for three units of NPPs at once: RNPP-3, KhNPP-1, SUNPP-3. We would like to mention that “Impulse” together with the partners – French and German concern AREVA and Slovakian firm VUJE – has provided a complex technical solution, which has no analogs in Ukraine and abroad, to assure stable and reliable operation of NPPs.

Due to introduction of the system, the functions earlier impossible will be implemented, e.g.: the process equipment state analysis based on noise background , detection of vibrations of fuel assemblies and in-core devices, which can damage nuclear fuel, detection of poorly fixed or loose parts of the equipment and calculation of residual fatigue of the primary circuit pipelines.

To prevent manipulations of certain media, we inform that SRPA “Impulse” was the only tenderer, as during a year there were no other competitor companies, who would be able to offer the customer the complex approach to implementation of such system. Please note that the tender took place meeting completely the requirements for tenders held using the credit funds of the Bank and meeting all requirements of the Ukrainian legislation.

So, the tender procedure started in 2014 according to the credit agreement between SE “NNEGC “Energoatom” and EBRD/EURATOM within the framework of implementation of the project “Complex Consolidated Safety Upgrade Program for NPP Units” using credit funds EBRD/EURATOM. SRPA “Impulse” and its partners have become the tender winners, as they meet all requirements specified in the tender documents. However during a period from development of the technical requirements for the equipment and to conclusion of the contract for supply, there is a large scope of work for agreeing the documents with the Bank and executing all procedures stipulated by the credit contract. This process, as a rule, lasts a year – two years minimum.

“The fact that there were no other competitors in the tender, which was held according to the requirements of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, testifies the high level of competency of specialists of the firms and uniqueness of the equipment produced by “Impulse” and advanced technologies of AREVA and VUJE. This is not the first year SRPA “Impulse” have been obtaining recognition as the best developer of software and hardware for such strategically important Ukrainian economic sectors as power engineering and railways”, - Volodymyr Yelisyeyev Chairman of Supervisory Board comments conclusion of the contract.

Implementation of introduction of the diagnostic system for the reactor facility and the monitoring system over the movement of primary circuit pipelines will significantly and positively contribute to development of the nuclear power engineering in Ukraine. That is, data received during its operation will be taken into account when the Board of the State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine makes a decision on prolongation of service life of the corresponding units to the beyond-design term.