As part of the implementation of the NNEGC “Energoatom” program for the replacement of Russian fuel with Westinghouse fuel at NPP power units, after many years of thorough and detailed approbation, SRPA ”Impulse” began implementing new-generation in-core monitoring systems SVRK-M2, built on the basis of the national calculation complex " ImCore" of our own design.

In July and August 2023, SVRK-M2 were put into operation at power units No. 3 of the Rovno NPP and No. 3 of the South-Ukrainian NPP. Projects are planned for the supply and commissioning of similar systems in 2024 at power units No. 4 RNPP, No. 1 SUNPP, No. 2 KhNPP.

In all of the above projects, the following is adopted as a basic approach to the construction of an ICMS at Ukrainian NPPs:

  1. diversification of the calculation of the neutron-physical parameters of the core using two software products: the national calculation complex "ImCore" (SRPA ”Impulse”) and "Beacon-TSM" (Westinghouse);
  2. software that implements the calculation of the thermohydraulic parameters of the reactor plant and all other functions, and equipment of the upper and lower levels - developed and manufactured by SRPA ”Impulse”.

The full-scale new-generation ICMS implemented by SRPA ”Impulse” has already aroused considerable interest among Eastern European operators of NPPs with VVER-type reactors, given the active acceleration of similar programs to replace Russian fuel with Westinghouse fuel in the EU countries.