I&C hardware is manufactured at the own high-tech works. Area of the works and the adjustment grounds – over 30 000 square metres.
The production facilities meet the requirements of the normative documentation of Ukraine and the international standards as to manufacturing, testing, storing. The production rooms equipped with required equipment are protected against negative impacts of dust, vibrations, other negative factors. A constant temperature is kept in them all year round due to a heating system, ventilation, air-conditioning systems.
Development of production technological processes, interaction of services when manufacturing products are determined by a package of standards, manuals, enterprise’s instructions, as well as requirements specifications, design documents, product quality and reliability assurance programs.
Purchased raw materials, materials, half-finished products, component parts, structural elements used in manufacturing undergo an incoming inspection.
During manufacturing, details, assembly units, units of elements, devices, sets, hardware systems, autonomous sets of spare parts, tools and accessories undergo an operational technical inspection in accordance with the enterprise’s standards.
Before hand-over testing, all items (units of elements, devices, sets, hardware systems) undergo a technological run under the limit conditions of operation. The technological run is carried out to detect and replace potentially unreliable elements in an item. Failures emerging during the run are eliminated, and their reasons are analyzed. The reliability service together with the quality control department processes and summarizes information received during the runs, develops measures to increase quality of items produced on a regular basis.
After manufacturing, finished products undergo an inspection of the technical control department, a special technical inspection (for items for NPPs) and a certification testing. Products having a certificate of compliance are packed and transmitted to an enterprise’s warehouse, where it is stored till it is shipped to a customer.
Production automated lines, machines and installation are constantly renewed. The equipment is with numerical program control.
The production facilities of the enterprise make it possible to perform the following work: