Microprocessor-based device ImPR1 is designated for relay protection, automation, and control of systems generating, transmitting, and distributing electric power.
ImPR1 is notable for wide nomenclature and quantity of analog and discrete inputs, output relays, digital communication channels, and has three variants of design arrangement. The hardware based on one platform and modular structure of the ImPR1 device allow changing its configuration easily and choosing an optimal variant as to functionality, price, and dimensions for each specific application. The SPTA set is minimum due to the possibility to replace modules.
ImPR1 meets the requirements of the IEC 61850 standard, which allows guaranteed transmission and data exchange with devices and systems meeting the requirements of this standard.
- Composition of ImPR1:
- A CPUM central processor module:
- processor capacity – 32;
- processor frequency, not less than – 1 GHz;
- up to 4 RS-485, Ethernet (TX and/or FX) digital communication channels;
- An AIM analog signal input module that has 8 channels to input signals from ITN and ITT, with the possible configuration:
- 4U + 4I or 5U + 3I or 2U + 6I or 8I;
- AIDOM analog signal input and discrete signal output modules that have 8 channels to input signals 0÷20 mA and 8 channels to output discrete signals;
- DIM discrete signal input modules that have 16 channels to input potential signals =110 V, =220 V, and ~220 V;
- DIDOM discrete signal input-output modules that have 8 channels to input potential signals =110 V, =220 V, and ~220 V and 8 channels to output discrete signals;
- DOM discrete signal shaping (output) modules that have 16 channels to output discrete signals;
- PSM power supply modules, with nominal voltage 110 V or 220 V DC and AC (one or two inputs for power supply are possible);
- An HMIU indication and control panel (PIU): built-in or remote.
- Possibility to install input-output modules into ImPR1 of the following dimension type:
- total quantity of analog modules for:
- ½•19" of the case – not more than 2 pieces;
- ¾•19" of the case – not more than 3 pieces;
- 19" of the case – not more than 4 pieces;
- total quantity of input/output modules of all types for:
- ½•19" of the case – not more than 4 pieces;
- ¾•19" of the case – not more than 7 pieces;
- 19" of the case – not more than 11 pieces.
- ImPR1 relay protection functions:
- Creating free logic of protections;
- Current protections – up to 14 types;
- Voltage protections – up to 2 types;
- Logical protections – up to 3 types;
- Remote protections – up to 4 types;
- Differential protections – up to 4 types;
- Frequency protections – 2 types;
- Arc protection – 2 types.
- ImPR1 automatics functions:
- Creating free logic of automatics;
- Control of devices – from 1 tо 20 pcs.;
- Frequency automatics – 2 types;
- Backup introduction automatics – 2 types;
- Backup introduction automatics – 2 types;
- Switch failure backup device – 2 types.
ImPR1 monitoring, recording, and warning functions:
- Monitoring operating circuits – 2 types;
- Monitoring measuring circuits – 3 types;
- Monitoring synchronism – 3 types;
- Central circuit for information signal acquisition – 3 types;
- Detecting fault location;
- Operability monitoring and calculating lifetime for a high-voltage circuit breaker;
- Light and acoustic alarms;
- Recording events in normal and emergency modes;
- Oscillography of emergency processes.
ImPR1 service functions:
- Event log viewing;
- Emergency oscillogram viewing;
- Indicating current values;
- Setting setpoints;
- Freely-programmable modes of three-colour light indication – 4;
- Freely-programmable functional keys – 9;
- Synchronization of a calendar and an astronomical time clock from the GLONASS, NAVSTAR GPS system or a universal time network of a protection object;
- Protection logic adjusting and configuring;
- Receiving signals from external devices and the I&C system;
- Data exchanging with the I&C system by means of redundant digital communication channels (RS-485, Ethernet (TX and/or FX));
- Preventing unauthorized change of the device’s configuration by means of the password system;
- Self-diagnostics during the whole time of operation.
Possible applications of ImPR1:
- Protection and automatics of a feeder;
- Protection and automatics of a feeder with differential protection;
- Protection and automatics of a transformer;
- Protection and automatics of a line and a bypass switch;
- Protection and automatics of busbars.
ImPR1 Front panel
ImPR1 Back panel
 IEC 61850 certificate |