The lower level of the process information system is being replaced in the reactor and turbine division normal operation systems, the systems of the second and third channels of the safety control system.

“This is a long-term and very rigorous work requiring not only knowledge, but also good organization. The equipment of the lower level of the process information system processes approximately 9 thousand discrete parameters and about 2000 analog signals of intensity and voltage of direct current and resistance from resistive temperature transducers. It is important to carry out mounting correctly, then to check it, and to adjust channels. Analog channels undergo primary check in the complete scope”, - told the head of the laboratory for the information subsystems of the controlling computer system of the thermal instrumentation and control shop Yevhenii Shchedryi.

The new equipment is produced based on the modern hardware components with the high degree of integration and small power consumption. If an old microcontroller consisted of 15 modules, a new one – of one. There were approximately 120 modules receiving signals from sensors, now - 26. As a consequence – reliability increase and power consumption decrease.

Fans are not used in the new equipment. Temperature change in a room does not influence the accuracy of analog parameter conversion, and a developed monitoring and diagnostics system, power supply redundancy, long service life – distinctive features of the new equipment.

Similar systems already successfully operate at the first and second units of the plant.

Source: SS ZNPP

SRPA “Impulse” is a leading Ukrainian designer, manufacturer, and supplier of highly-reliable instrumentation and control systems for nuclear power engineering and railways.
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