In July 2022, as part of a comprehensive (consolidated) programme to improve the safety level of nuclear power units, a commercial commissioning of the system of primary circuit coolant leakage monitoring of the primary circuit SKPT was carried out at Unit 2 of South-Ukraine NPP.
SKPT is intended to monitor tightness of equipment and pipelines of the main circulation circuit of reactor unit with VVER-1000, to detect RF’s (reactor facility’s) primary circuit coolant leakage in time, to assess its magnitude in normal operation modes, with deviations from normal operation, and in a “small leakage” mode. The SKPT of the primary circuit of the reactor unit consists of subsystems of acoustic monitoring and humidity control.
In the results of acceptance testing, the commission noted that the trial operation works were completed in full, completed with positive results, the system equipment is in full compliance with the requirements of the terms of reference and are ready for commercial operation.
Based on the positive test results, it was decided to carry out the SCPT into commercial operation at Unit 2 SUNPP.