PKSEP is designated for power supply of relay or microprocessor based interlocking devices of medium and large stations, at railway sections with any traction type.
Main functions
- two feeders of three-phase AC voltage 230/400 V with a dead-earthed neutral;
- a diesel-generator set (DGA);
- an accumulator battery (AB) with voltage 24 V;
- from AB with voltage 240 V;
- distributing, converting, and recording electric power;
- three-level protection of power supply lines against atmospheric and switching overvoltages, short circuits, pulse overvoltages;
- quality monitoring for electric power;
- automatically switching a load;
- monitoring malfunction of contactors of both feeders and monitoring availability of voltage on a guaranteed three-phase current power supply bus.
PKSEP includes the following devices:
- an input panel;
- an ShchOAB battery disconnection panel;
- an ShVpR rectifying distribution cabinet;
- an ShVR input distribution cabinet;
- an ShGPL quaranteed logic power supply cabinet;
- an ShTr transformer cabinet without battery backup;
- an ShTr transformer cabinet with battery backup;
- an ShSt points cabinet without redundancy;
- an ShSt points cabinet with redundancy;
- an ShD diagnostic cabinet;
- an accumulator battery;
- an automatic transfer switch panel.
It is possible to compose two main types of power supply systems:
- with backup of loads from AB with voltage 240 V;
- with backup of loads with voltage 24 V and voltage 230 V from AB with voltage 24 V.
Power supply backup time, depending on AB capacity, is from 10 minutes to 8 hours. Rated load capacity of the system is:
- 25 – 40 kW;
- 40 – 55 kW;
- 55 – 80 kW.

ShGPL guaranteed power supply cabinet |



ShSt with redundancy |
ShSt without redundancy |
System advantages
- design arrangement and scalability – allow designing a power supply system with the parameters required for a specific station;
- has been developed in accordance with the requirements of area «1520»;
- high “survivability” due to redundancy of main nodes;
- possibility of remote switching-off of input feeders, DGA, and AB with a “single button” when emergency situations or a fire emerge;
- possibility of manual selective switching-on/ switching-off of feeders;
- a built-in microprocessor based system monitors and diagnoses power supply parameters and PKSEP hardware state recording the following parameters:
- resistance of insulation as related to “ground” in circuits of power supply for signals, track circuits, relay racks, panels, electric switch machines, heating of electric switch machines;
- voltage and current in each phase of input feeders;
- voltage in output circuits of cabinets forming a part of PKSEP;
- operability of units and devices, automatic switches, protective varistors, etc.;



Input panel
ShD diagnostic cabinet
ShVpR rectifying distribution cabinet |
- possibility to monitor quality and periodicity of maintenance based on archive data:
- DGA start on load with specifying its operation duration and recording feeder parameters;
- service of station’s AB with switching-off a charger, operation of main and additional chargers;
- diagnostics results and archive data allow the following at any time: to monitor equipment state, to determine pre-failure conditions, failure mode of power supply devices;
- archives contain information on incidents in a power supply system, in particularly:
- voltage absence on a supply feeder;
- switching from one feeder to the other specifying a reason (voltage reduction, voltage increase by each of three phases of a power supply source, disturbance of phase sequence, etc.);
- on switches, where there is current increase by normal transfer and operation on friction (based on curves of switch machine currents);
- on modes of sparking on engine manifolds due to brush wear, brush assembly weakness, manifold contamination, etc.
