On 21-24 February 2017, the handover-acceptance testing of the equipment of the upper and lower level of the process information system (IVS) for Unit № 3 of Zaporizhzhya NPP was carried out at the site of PJSC ...

   On 10 February 2017, masters and teachers of technical vocational schools of Lugansk region visited SRPA “Impulse” to see modern works and technological equipment.


Introduction of the reactor facility’s equipment complex diagnostics system (KSD) and the primary circuit pipelines displacement monitoring system (SKPTr) is being continued at unit №3 of RNPP within the framewo...

In December 2016, the acceptance testing of the complex diagnostics system (KSD) for Unit 3 of SUNPP was carried out at the testing ground of PJSC “SRPA “Impulse”, the system was created using advanced...

On 16 November 2016, specialists from PJSC “SRPA “Impulse” visited Kozloduy NPP (Bulgaria). During the visit a presentation of approved and prospective developments by SRPA “Impulse” as to instrumentation and control systems for nuclear power engineering was provided to NPP personnel wi...

SRPA “Impulse” is a leading Ukrainian designer, manufacturer, and supplier of highly-reliable instrumentation and control systems for nuclear power engineering and railways.
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